I'm just a casual REM listener. Having only heard their greatest hits collection, was enough for me to go for their concert. The National and Modest Mouse were the opening acts. Reached a little too late to watch The National, which sucks coz that band rocks. Seriously; go listen to their album The Boxer. Modest Mouse was surprisingly good. I had only heard one of their songs before on the radio. Good indie music. Although I would love to watch them in a cramped underground bar. Their music seemed much more fitting there.
And REM was simply so good. Most of the crowd was old school. More than half the crowd in the arena had been to their shows 15-20 years back also. And REM just loves to perform. Total entertainment.
And may I add I had great seats. The photo shown here is taken from my phone without zoom. This is how close we were.
So 1 concert done. Next up Pearl Jam on June 28th and then Chris Cornell with Linkin Park on July 16th. Summer in Boston rocks like no other time. Hot in the day and cool in the evenings. Rock on!
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